Monday, May 27, 2019

Here we go again, after 10 years

It's very close to 10 years since I made my last substantive post. My mind has been elsewhere. Now I am moved to post again.

Since 2009 my two daughters have both grown to independence as flourishing young women. At the end of 2012 I retired from my career as a software engineer, and fill my time with a lot of online activities, along with games, books, movies, and friends. I also ended a long-term relationship at the end of 2012 and do not expect to be romantically involved with anyone again.

As for FUSN, I was a Coming of Age mentor in 2009-2010. I've been in four separate Chalice Circles since then (each runs a year) but tired of them. In 2017 I argued passionately against FUSN changing its name to FUUSN (the one U for "Unitarian" becoming two Us for "Unitarian-Universalist"). The name change needed a two-thirds vote to pass and met that standard with a single vote to spare.

I feel alienated from FUUSN in part because of the rising emphasis, both within the congregation and the larger UU denomination, on identity politics, known in its general form as "intersectionality". Future posts will expand on this. On a more personal level, I was a spiritual seeker of sorts when I joined FUSN in 1993, and wanted a religious community for my family to belong to. I never really was anything but an atheist, but I did find the Protestant form of religious service comforting and satisfying. Starting in 2010 if not before, that was true less and less. Now I find it unsatisfying and even irritating instead. But FUUSN is still full of people who I shared the bonds of community with for many years, and I still value those bonds.

I reviewed all my old posts. I didn't find any where I said, "Wow, I would never write that now!" I guess it's not that surprising that my views haven't changed very much.. I did find five that I thought were especially worth rereading.

Human nature:

Mortality issues:


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