Thursday, November 8, 2007

Leaving AAA behind

This was originally written in May of 2007. I had asked the FUSN list for opinions about AAA (the American Automobile Association), after noting that I had heard bad things about its lobbying activities.

Based on what I've heard, I personally am planning to join the program of I didn't know such things existed, and it is the information that makes all the difference for me.

Here's how I look at it:

Sure, AAA has done lots of good for many of us over the years. Some of the stories [of how AAA helped] are quite moving. But it doesn't mean we can't move on. When competition came to the phone industry, I for one didn't stick with AT&T because I was grateful for all those wonderful phone calls they had let me have. I also don't see AAA as a kindly organization which has foregone other opportunities counting on a long-term relationship with us.

I am not moved by the argument that it is only fair that an organization for drivers should be advancing spending on roads. To the degree one feels (as I do) that in this age of global warming driving is a necessary evil, an organization that supports that stand seems the better choice.

What AAA does is far from benign. Apparently they lobbied against the Clean Air Act in 1990. Here's one link to their misdeeds:

The maps and discounts may be be useful for some people, but it seems the road service is the key thing. There's no guarantee that Better World Club will have road service as good as AAA's, but it's a risk I'm willing to take in the service of doing the right thing and also helping the organization grow. If I had small children or was in questionable health I might think twice.

Just my opinion. Your mileage may vary (cough).

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